Saturday, February 11, 2012

English Words ( 2 )

Nidhu Bhusan Das : Now, English words may be divided into two categories – Content Words and Structure Words. Nouns, Full Verbs, Adjectives and Adverbs are Content Words While Articles, Pronouns, Conjunctions, Interjections, Prepositions, Primary Verbs, Modal Verbs and Determiners are Structure words. What is a Content Word? Content Words have ‘content’, some substance of meaning which can also be presented in other ways , by other words or by pictures. The dictionary gives us a description of the meaning in simple words. For example , we may look up the word ‘triangle’ in a dictionary and find thar it is described as ‘a flat shape with three straight sides and three angles. Pictures are also given. Meanings of full verbs , adjectives ad adverbs are generally given in the form of simple word equivalents and definitions. Thus ‘walk’ is defined as ‘ ( of a person ) to move along at a slow or moderate pace by lifting up and putting down each foot in turn.’ We see , content words have meanings which can be described, represented by picture , carried by synonyms, etc. Such meanings are called Lexical meanings. Nouns , Full Verbs , Adjectives and Adverbs have lexical meanings. ( next – Structure Words )

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